Offers List-September 2021



Ribai Kiambu-Kenya

Altitude: 1800-2100 masl

Varietal: Peaberry

Processing Method: Washed

Wholesale: 250g-$10 500g-$18.50

Retail: 250g-$21 500G-$38 1kg-$66

This Kenyan peaberry really is a fun and surprising little package. What makes Kenya's Kiambu county so unique are the naturally occurring geographic conditions that surround the area. Ribai experiences strong and reliable bimodal rainfall as well as an ideal temperate zone that ranges from between 16c to 26c. The trees here thrive in rich red volcanic soil that is well-draining and rich in minerals unique to the region.

Processing this coffee is done so simply and transparently: cherries are harvested at optimum ripeness, de-pulped, fermented overnight and then washed. The coffee is then soaked and placed on raised beds to dry.

These gorgeous and sweet little peaberries grow alongside their larger cousins and are hand-selected by our beloved farmers and producers on parchment and during screen-size sorting.

Roaster’s notes: We’re finding this Kenyan Peaberry harder work but well worth it in the end. These green beans are so small and dense that heat application at the later stages of the roast must be closely monitored; great care must be taken to ensure that the roast doesn’t run. We are really finding this little bean to be strong and willful in the roaster and the best results have been achieved through hitting hard and getting out quickly, allowing the roast’s thermal mass to carry the curve across the line.

These little peaberries are harder work at every stage, but we can’t believe just how worth it all that extra effort is.

This coffee has a creamy mouthfeel, and notes of spiced cola, citrus, and plum.


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Uraga, Guji- Ethiopia

Altitude: 1900-2110 masl

Varietal:  Heirloom varietals

Processing Method:  Natural wine process

Wholesale: 250g-$8.50 500g-$15.50

Retail: 250g-$18 500G-$32 1kg-$55

If you know your coffee, then you’ll certainly have tasted Ethiopian Guji and its distinctive notes of sweet ripe blueberries. This kind of classic natural is iconic of the region, and although beloved, many wondered where evolution in this region may lead. What we are now seeing are the first examples of this evolution. 2020 saw the introduction of anaerobic (oxygen-free) processing methods. Beginning at the sorting table, the best fully ripe cherries are separated from the rest and are tightly packed and sealed into special stainless-steel tanks. The fermentation process begins, and CO2 builds up. As pressure builds, a one-way valve allows water and CO2 to exit whilst restricting oxygen from re-entry. The resulting pressure forces the juicy mucilage flavours deep inside the coffee beans and is reflected in a colour change that occurs after 4-5 days. Once fermentation is complete, the coffee is dried slowly for 15-18 days on African drying beds in the full sun.

A clean and crisp cup with notes of lemon, green grape, and blackberry. Smooth velvety body and royal red wine acidity.


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Buesaco, Colombia

Varietal: Caturra

Processing Method: Washed

Wholesale: 250g-$8 500g-$14.50

Retail: 250g-$16.50 500G-$30 1kg-$51.50

Grown by Albeiro at Finca El Despetar, this coffee is a special little offering, with everything we love about flavour and small scale quality-driven cultivation. Picked and hand sorted by Albeiro and his wife, the cherries are placed in water tanks for 50 hours before being pulped and then gently washed. Finally, the coffee is placed to dry on raised beds until ideal moisture content is achieved.

Nectarine, floral, Panela and Lime


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San Marcos, Tarrazu - Costa Rica

Altitude: 1500-1600 masl

Varietals: Caturra

Processing Method: Honey processed

Wholesale: 250g-$8.50 500g-$15.50

Retail: 250g-$18 500G-$32.50 1kg-$56

The Tarrazu region in Costa Rica is a favorite of ours, consistently coming through with an abundance of high quality beans using progressive processing methods. The red honey processing method of this bean lends big sweet body characteristics to the cup, something we thought would pop as an espresso. Brew it black to unlock juicy notes of nectarine or brew it white for a creamy vanilla cup.

This particular coffee hails from the same farm as our “Tirra Estate” coffee, which was a crowd favorite both in and out of the roastery over the last year, we hope you enjoy this one just as much!

Notes of nectarine, milk chocolate and vanilla

For espresso

Our trusty 1:2.5 Coffee / Water ratio does this coffee wonders!

20 grams of coffee / 50 ml water out

In 26-30 seconds depending on your grinder.

- awesome black or white!