Offers List-November 2021
Brazil Santa Monica-Espresso
Minas Gerais, Brazil
Altitude: 1240masl
Varietal: Yellow Catucai 2SL
Processing Method: Natural
Wholesale:250g-$8.50 500g-$15.50
Retail:250g-$18 500G-$32
Located in the Alta Mogiana region, this coffee farm is within three different municipalities: Ibiraci, Cassia and Capetinga.
To create this micro-lot, Jean Vilheana left this coffee drying on the patio using the “Volcano” method, covering the cherries with a cloth overnight, for 27 days until the desired moisture levels were reached.
It’s not very often we come across Brazilian coffees with such pronounced fruit, we jumped straight on this. We hope you enjoy it!
Soft and sweet cup with notes of strawberry, milk chocolate and vanilla.
Rwanda Sovu-Espresso
Sovu, Maraba co-op, Huye Mountain - Rwanda
Altitude: 1700-2200
Varietal: Bourbon
Processing Method: Washed
Wholesale:250g-$7 500g-$13
Retail:250g-$15 500G-$27
Sometimes when we drink our morning coffee, it’s easy to get a little distracted. The sheer joy and deliciousness in the cup can easily remove us from something we try to remind ourselves of often at GHT: That coffee is a reflection of the place, people, and time in which it is produced. In its native Kinyarwanda language, Maraba is called Abahuzamugambi Ba Kawa, which translates to ‘Together we work the coffee’. This may sound like a “nice slogan”, but a quick look at Marabas history reveals it is so much more.
In 1994 civil war and genocide tore through Rwanda cleaving an already fragile division into two very broken and seemingly irreconcilable parts. Much of Rwanda is still dealing and living with the aftermath of this horror every day. These scars will never disappear but with time and the efforts of initiatives and Cooperatives like Maraba they are forging a new path, one of hope and possibility. The Sovu washing station operating under the Maraba co-op umbrella succeeds in supporting its members with financial management workshops, agronomy training, and access to affordable farming tools as well as organic tools and fertilizers.
Support here extends far beyond coffee production with members being offered access to a number of services including financial support for school fees, health services, and loan facilities for housing and farming equipment. Things really are looking better every day- plus, not only will a sip of this spro leave you feeling good, but it also tastes really, really good!
This Rwandan Microlot comes to us from high in the green hills of the Huye Mountain where it benefits from rich and fertile volcanic soil. The Sovu washing station has constantly ranked among the best coffees in the Cup of Excellence, winning the national competition five times since its inception in 2008.
Bright citric acidity and a zesty and complex flavour-Notes of orange, gooseberry, and a hint of hibiscus with a lingering caramel finish.
Kenya, Kiambu Ribai Peaberry-Filter
Ribai Kiambu-Kenya
Altitude: 1800-2100 masl
Varietal: Peaberry
Processing Method: Washed
Wholesale: 250g-$10 500g-$18.50
Retail: 250g-$21 500G-$38
This Kenyan peaberry really is a fun and surprising little package. What makes Kenya's Kiambu county so unique are the naturally occurring geographic conditions that surround the area. Ribai experiences strong and reliable bimodal rainfall as well as an ideal temperate zone that ranges from between 16c to 26c. The trees here thrive in rich red volcanic soil that is well-draining and rich in minerals unique to the region.
Processing this coffee is done so simply and transparently: cherries are harvested at optimum ripeness, de-pulped, fermented overnight and then washed. The coffee is then soaked and placed on raised beds to dry.
These gorgeous and sweet little peaberries grow alongside their larger cousins and are hand-selected by our beloved farmers and producers on parchment and during screen-size sorting.
Roaster’s notes: We’re finding this Kenyan Peaberry harder work but well worth it in the end. These green beans are so small and dense that heat application at the later stages of the roast must be closely monitored; great care must be taken to ensure that the roast doesn’t run. We are really finding this little bean to be strong and willful in the roaster and the best results have been achieved through hitting hard and getting out quickly, allowing the roast’s thermal mass to carry the curve across the line.
These little peaberries are harder work at every stage, but we can’t believe just how worth it all that extra effort is.
This coffee has a creamy mouthfeel. Notes of spiced cola, citrus, and plum.
Dianofor Ruiz-Filter
Buenavista, Quindio - Colombia
Altitude: 1500-1600
Varietal: Castillo
Processing Method: Natural
Wholesale: 250g-$10.50 500g-$19.50
Retail: 250g-$22 500G-$40
This coffee was produced by Diofanor Ruiz at his farm Finca La Divisa. All cherries were left to optimum ripeness taking extra time and attention, and it checks out. This coffee was processed by the Cofinet team at La Pradera, so you know it’s on! This is one unique coffee and really sits in a category all to its own.
Notes of black currant spiced mulled wine and chocolate