Brazil Santa Monica.jpeg

Minas Gerais, Brazil

Altitude: 1240masl

Varietal: Yellow Catucai 2SL

Processing Method: Natural

Located in the Alta Mogiana region, this coffee farm is with in three different municipalities: Ibiraci, Cassia and Capetinga.

To create this micro-lot, Jean Vilheana left this coffee drying on the patio using the “Volcano” method, covering the cherries with a cloth overnight, for 27 days until the desired moisture levels were reached.

It’s not very often we come across Brazilian coffees with such pronounced fruit, we jumped straight on this. We hope you enjoy it!

Soft and sweet cup with notes of strawberry, milk chocolate and vanilla.

Roasters Notes

The Santa Monica has both average moister and an average density, making it a very easy and consistent coffee to roast. We aim for around a 10.40 min profile with around 10% development time ratio.

Custom Water

The brewing water that we found optimized the Santa Monica contains very low content of bicarbonate. At 10ppm and 80ppm of general hardness including magnesium and calcium, this water highlights the strawberry acidity that’s quite rare in Brazilian coffee. It also rounds the sweetness and makes way for notes of vanilla.

For filter

We recommend a brewing recipe using 15g of medium-coarse ground coffee with 230g of our custom water. Using a Hario V60, start with 30g water to bloom for 30s. Then pour the rest in 50g bursts, 30s apart. The result is syrupy cup of coffee with notes of strawberry, vanilla and a milk chocolate finish.

For espresso

As a general rule we roll with the ratio of 1:2.5 Coffee / Water

20 grams of coffee / 50 ml water out

In 26-30 seconds depending on your grinder.

Expect a large sweet body with delicate notes of strawberry and hazelnut coming through - enjoy!