Socorro, Santander - Colombia
Producer: Lucila Oracica
Altittude: 1700 masl
Varietals: Castillo & Colombia
Processing Method: Lactic
Lucila was born and raised on a coffee farm in the village of Socorro. Since she was a child she has had a love for coffee crops and the coffee industry.
Lucila joined the Neighbors & Crops collective by La Palma. This is one of the initiatives by La Palma that aims to improve the conditions for Lucila and other coffee farmers in Colombia.
As a part of being in the Neighbors & Crops program, Lucila receives 70-100% more than the highest regional price for her coffee cherries. Neighbors & Crops also facilitate pickers, transportation of workers and cherries, as well as subsidizing their processing costs.
This bag we secured is one of ten bags produced this year, making it extremely special. We are always grateful to extend these coffees to you, we hope you enjoy it.
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